Say Please...
I do apologize if you did not see the picture in the display before hand but it was a precaution.
As this picture is very much R or X rated whatever you wish to label it onto.
Though it is not sex itself it is still a very suggestive and nudity is obvious.
It's the final day for ROMP's monthly designers.
I am featuring RACK Poses item for this month.
Much female dominance in this picture.
The one who helped me in this photo is Luka Requiem.
Tattoo: *Bolson / Tattoo Exclusive Pack - Veni Vidi Vici
Shoes: REIGN.- Marylin Boots- Black
Rings: [CX] Basilisk Rings
RACK Poses - Obey Me, Boy! (ROMP)
( Riding crop comes with the pose)
[Fetch] Grawt Skybox
Glam Affair - Olivine - Bed ( Black )
Glam Affair - Olivine - Wall Decor
Glam Affair - Olivine - Vase ( White )
Glam Affair - Olivine - Drawer ( Black )
Glam Affair - Olivine - Lamp ( Black & White )
~*S.E.*~ Industrial Hanging Cage (Small/short)
The Hive - Cabinet of Curiosities [Black]
Soy. wall decor [increment of hunch] bk
Apt B // Rug V1