
Maitreya Lara Mesh Body

By Saturday, July 04, 2015 , , , , , , ,

I haven't done a post about the Maitreya Lara mesh body.
When it originally came out I was going to but it got pushed to the back burner.
Above I gave some of my numbers of my current shape for this mesh body.
These pictures have not been edited to alter the appearance besides cropping and adding them together.   This was taken on High graphics with a bright windlight setting.

I'll start off with the HUD.
It's a simple layout with just 3 tabs.
It allows you to have up to 10 saved alpha slots.
They really made the body more customizable with the way they cut the alphas.
I would still like to have a better alpha system for the chest as it's still too large for some of the clothing that I'd like to wear but I can always shrink my myself in certain areas to make it work.  Still the option to have that is nice.
The second tab of the layers are helpful with being able to turn them on and off via gloves and socks or all of the layers I have added turned off.
To have some of these saved as presets is a nice feature although I never use it.
I rarely use the glossiness but it can come in handy for photos in certain lighting.
I have had problems though with the layers eating each other so I do have to toggle the buttons 
to have them switch back on or I have to make them where it losses the detail that was there originally.
The third tab is one of my favorites because I don't have to go all around for my appliers from glam affair.  It would be nice to have slots to save my other skin appliers like polar or the other skins i sometimes wear.
The BIGGEST love is the color display in the bottom left.
It allows me to tint my skins that do not have appliers for the Maitreya body and have them work.
You can save the tint that you have made in the 5 slots that are on the right of the Nail Length.
I thank them for making the HUD able to delete the scripts in the body.  Sometimes it's just helpful for those instances where you need to lower your script count in roleplay situations, raiding, shopping, whatever you need to have low scripts for.
This is a great all in one HUD.

I took a few pictures of the body to show it off with it's original hands and feet.
It is Slink compatible and besides the Slink body it fits it well.
You will notice some seams at the ankles when wearing the stockings/socks/etc with it depending on your angle but it's really on key.  Nothing can be perfect but it's darn close to it.
To keep the reading down with where it really counts here I'm going to bullet this stuff off.
  • Works for thin and thick shapes
  • Comes with hands and feet
  • Glam Affair skins are the default skin appliers
  • Has a simple HUD that is easily understood.
  • The HUD comes with a great choice of Alpha options
  •  The feet are smoother than the Slink
  • The ankles are actually ankles and do not look like cankles (sorry TMP you still have the best butt)
  • Tinting ability in the HUD
  • Save slots for Alphas & Tinted skins & Appliers
  •  Feet are all in 1 Flat, Mid, High
  • Works with Omega Appliers
  • Dev kit for appliers are available for the public to get for free
  • Slink hand and feet Compatible
  • They constantly update this body with the glitches that are there within the system
    • That is a big plus to the mesh bodies as most just stop or take long to update or never update (I'm eyeballing you TMP)
  •  Shoulders are not smooth and are very broad
  • Only 1 hand shape available
  • The layers Tattoo, Underwear, Clothing glitch on top of each other if wearing all 3
    • You can wear a mask for 1 of them to help with the glitching
    • Depending on high you are in the air will help with the glitching
  • Nails do not come off like slink or TMP do as an option.
  • There is only a sock layer for the feet and glove layer for the hands.  There is no actual tattoo layer for them and I'd love to see that happen as the gloves look very stupid if it was meant for a tattoo layer of the hand as it hovers over the hand greatly including for the feet.  It just wouldn't work at all.
  • No Developers kit for the mesh body so no UV for those who wish to make things perfect.
 I honestly enjoy this body in how it works.
I would love for these changes to happen with the shoulders.
The hands would be a plus but it is already Slink compatible which is a big and major perk for this body as I have the mixture of Slink and Maitreya Shoes and the hands for certain animations.
The tinting is great for the skins I do have that do not have appliers for that body and may never I feel like T^T so that helps me out a lot.  Please update the hands and feet to have tattoo layers on them!

I hope that has helped any that haven't gotten the body yet.
It's just my opinion my feel with having used this body constantly for my photos.

 Maitreya Mesh Body Lara 3.4 Update
- Bug re-appearing gloves and socks fixed

Maitreya compiled a list of creators already working with the Maitreya Mesh Body
Maitreya Mesh Body Developers

Application for the Maitreya Developer Kit
(NOTE:  It has not been released yet to the public if you see clothes that say Fit Maitreya it is their own Beta.  The Kit for the body has not been released yet but people have done their own testing for the fit of Maitreya.  You will notice it is not perfect but it's very close to it)

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  1. Excellent post! I own Lara and still learned a lot from your observations. My Lara is 3.3 though, is 3.4 out? If so how do I get it? Thanks so much in advance!

    1. Thank you very much ! It's a great body but as you can see from some of the cons it does need work. But that is most products really plus it is Top on my list of mesh bodies to use all the time. I found out about the 3.4 from a friend who went and bought it saying that it was a 3.4 not a 3.3 anymore. It seems that there wasn't an update sent out but you can go to the store to get it redelivered :D you'll find it in the back on the first floor closer to the middle where the desk is. You'll see it with the gift cards.
