

By Thursday, August 07, 2014 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

This honestly was some awesomes
Minus crashing in the beginnings :'D but that happens...sadly =3=
But I really had some fun with making these mods and it's pretty
•3• addicting wanting to buy more and more to make it cuter and adorable.
I've had this anime head and the kemono body for awhile but never could find something
to post with it feeling that someone would be like "YOU'RE A KID" =3= which is bull
as I look like one of the collectible dolls thank you very much.

I thought the boxes were a perfect touch for making this 
toy like avatar come to life a bit more
plus not being called a kid.  I adore the cuteness of these mods
they make me squeal and happy face cause anime is too cute to start with
and yes there is the kinky side of such but hey no complaints to such.

I was assisted in this photo by Donut.
Here is her adorable photo:

Great shots of the avatars.
I hope you enjoy!

Oh! Don't forget the Uber event is still open!
It will end August 31st


Face: M3 Anime Head by Utilizator
Body: Kemono Avatar (+Kemono M3 Head) by Utilizator
Face Mod: TSH Keiko Mod
Body Mod: PANTSU*HUNTER moe kemono
Hair: [Zero Style] * Murasame* (Pink opal)
Flower Crown: . Liquence . - Flower Crown
Headwings: RO - Malificient Head Wing
Small Wings: Somali - PataPataWing4-Devil* (gacha)
Collar: ...:::Scrub:::... Dollar Rosary
Dress: [b] Kemono Milk Maid Dress Classic
Katana: [CX] Katana Kanzashi (Silver) RARE (gacha)
Garter: PANTSU*HUNTER pearl garter .noire.

Nom Nom:

Skin:  .:: POMF ::. M3 Head and Kemono Body - Little Hime Skin Mod
Avatar:  Kemono Body v1.12.5
Tail:  Kemono - Tail
Head:  M3 - Head v.1.9.2
Hair:  Exile::Rising Tides  *Uber Event*
Eyes:  .:: POMF ::. M3 Head - Star Gazing Eyes - Gold
Wings:  .Olive. the Flutter my Fairy Wings - White Snow
Dress:  *Edelweiss* Irie 2.0(XXS-Kemono)
Necklace:  MG - Necklace - Nerissa Cowrie Seashell
Bracelet:  =Zenith=Cross Anchor Love leather Bracelet(R) - Caramel
Bracelet:  [DAISO] 31vintage LOVE BRACELET [L] -  (M) COUPLE RARE
Leg Straps:  [BB//MM] Kemono Leg Wraps


Boxes:  Figma case 5set-Pack
Flowers:  [ keke ] bottled roses - pink
Flowers:  [ keke ] ancient ink w magnolia
Shelf:  :CP: Abbotsford Hanging Shelf

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