

By Saturday, August 16, 2014 , , , , , , , , , , ,

I never got to blog this hair that was released at the Hair Fair by Lelutka
Finally I have a chance to with a dress like this!
It is by Triad Fallen and I wish I had gotten a shot of the back which I may do another
picture of it for this post later, but it can be found at the We Love RP event.
I'ts a killer dress and it's fitted mesh so I was playing with the sliders for my tits and ass :'D
It really is a great design.
The necklace that I'm wearing is also located at the We Love Roleplay event
and it's by none other than Alchemy!  Easy to mod in shape that I was able
to make it fit just right for the picture.  

Hair:  [LeLutka]-CHRISTINE hair - Powder
Skin:  .Birdy. Maisie Skin ~Pure~ VIP gift <3 p="">
Eyes:  [Buzz] Ardent Eyes - Avada
Necklace:  Alchemy - Lok Armor - Neck plate - Plat
Nails:  .random.Matter.  - Holidaze Nails
Dress:  Caelestis Bronze & White

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