
Elegance at its Finest

By Wednesday, February 04, 2015 , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The sensual feeling that you get when you slip on those silky clothes
turns you into a whole other character 
This person who isn't the full you but is apart of you
The sexy woman of erotic tastes that tantalize your desires as she swings from the
tiny cage that she muses in while weaving your dreams together

More items from the Burlesque event
Don't forget it closes on the 15th
It is not a whole month even so get your bums in there


Hair:  enVOGUE HAIR - Olivia @Burlesque Fair
Skin:  Glam Affair - Sophie [ C4 ] @The Chapter Four
Mask:  Pink Acid "Hidden Love" Burlesque Mask - Black Chrome @Burlesque Fair
Outfit:  *MC* Showgirl Set #Scarlet @Burlesque Fair
Stockings:  !dM Alix - stocking **BLACK** @Burlesque Fair
(Found in !dM deviousMind "Alix Black" Outfit )
Shoes:  -Dunc- Dita in Red for Maitreya Lara @Burlesque Fair


Exposeur - Burlesque Cage @Burlesque Fair


DRD VR Stage @Burlesque Fair
DRD Burlesque letters @Burlesque Fair

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