
Angelic (NSFW)

By Friday, April 24, 2015 , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

TAG gacha

( yes I posted another black photo so .3. I don't feel like I'd get in trouble even though this is my own blog and such but still!  Precautions :'3 )

I wanted to show off these wings in some way that wasn't >.>; the norm
that and the fact that I love this shibari set from Stockholm
Any who here are the credits

Hair:  ~Tableau Vivant~ Pretty reckless II - B+W @ C88
Blind Fold:  *BOOM* Last Goodnight Satin Blindfold (black)
Shibari ropes comes with the Stockholm&Lima: Simple Shibari Ring
You attach them when you sit on the ring.
They will detatch when you get off.
There will be needing for some adjustment for different avatars but it's very easy to mod.
Wings:  Sweet Thing. & DarkendStare Angelic Wings

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